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I, dok su njegovi drugovi dremali, doktor jako zagreja vodonik; usled širenja gasa, balon se začas nadu i polete u snop sunčanih zrakova koji su padali uspravno na zemlju. Na žalost, od sto do pet hiljada stopa ne nadje ama baš ni najmanje strujanje. Izgledalo je da potpuna tišina vlada do same granice vazduha. Najzad, nestade i vode; plamnik se ugasi, jer više nije dobijao gas, dejstvo Bunzenove baterije, takodje prestade i {Viktorija}, čiji se omotač splasnuo, spusti se polako i zauze isto mesto na pesku gde je korpa stajala i pre polaska.

Beše podne. Premeravanje dade 19 stepeni 35' dužine i 6 stepeni 51' geografske širine; bili su oko pet stotina milja daleko od jezera {Cyad} i preko četiri stotine milja od zapadne afričke obale.

-Ne, {Dyo}, ne! nećemo se razdvajati! Pored dosadašnjih nesreća to bi bio novi bol, potpuno nepotreban. Bilo je sudjeno da nas snadje ovo što nas je snašlo ali, je valjda, sudjeno i da nas zadesi bolja sudbina. Prema tome, predaćemo se njoj i čekaćemo.


Therefore, while his companions slept, the doctor raised the hydrogen in the balloon to an elevated temperature, and the huge globe, filling out by the dilation of the gas, rose straight up in the perpendicular rays of the sun. The doctor searched vainly for a breath of wind, from the height of one hundred feet to that of five miles; his starting-point remained fatally right below him, and absolute calm seemed to reign, up to the extreme limits of the breathing atmosphere. At length the feeding-supply of water gave out; the cylinder was extinguished for lack of gas; the Buntzen battery ceased to work, and the balloon, shrinking together, gently descended to the sand, in the very place that the car had hollowed out there.

It was noon; and solar observations gave nineteen degrees thirty-five minutes east longitude, and six degrees fifty-one minutes north latitude, or nearly five hundred miles from Lake Tchad, and more than four hundred miles from the western coast of Africa.

“No, Joe, no! We will not separate. That would only be adding sorrow to trouble. It was written that matters should be as they are; and it is very probably written that it shall be quite otherwise by-and-by. Let us wait, then, with resignation.”

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